NFPA 1858 Selection Care and Maintenance of Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services

Chapter 1 Administration

1.1 Scope.

  • This standard shall specify the minimum selection, care, and maintenance requirements for rope and associated equip­ment that are compliant with NFPA 1983.
  • This standard shall also specify minimum selection, care, and maintenance requirements for rope and associated equip­ment that are compliant with the previous editions of NFPA 1983.
  • This standard shall not specify selection, care, and main­tenance requirements for any accessories that could be attached to the certified product and are not necessary for the certified product to meet the requirements of this standard.
  • This standard shall not specify selection, care, and main­tenance requirements for any rope or equipment for fall protection or coworker-assisted rescue pertaining to employees of general industry or the construction and demolition indus­try.
  • This standard shall not be construed as addressing all the safety concerns associated with the use of life safety rope and equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the persons and organizations that use compliant life safety rope and equip­ment to establish safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
  • This standard shall not be construed as addressing all the safety concerns, if any, associated with the use of this stand­ard by testing or repair facilities.
  • Nothing herein shall restrict any jurisdiction from exceeding these minimum requirements.
  • The purpose of this standard shall be to establish a program for life safety rope and equipment to reduce the risks and hazards associated with the selection, maintenance, improper use of, or damage to life safety rope and equipment.
  • The purpose of this standard shall also be to establish basic criteria for selection, inspection, cleaning, decontamina­tion, repair, storage, and retirement of rope and associated equipment that are compliant with NFPA 1983.
  • This standard shall apply to life safety rope, escape rope, fire escape rope, fire escape webbing, escape webbing, throw- lines, moderate elongation laid life saving rope, life safety harnesses, belts, auxiliary equipment, litters, and victim extrica­tion devices certified as compliant with NFPA 1983.
  • The requirements of this standard shall not apply to accessories attached to any element of the technical rescue protective ensemble unless specifically addressed herein.
  • In this standard, values for measurement are followed by an equivalent in parentheses, but only the first stated value shall be regarded as the requirement.
  • Equivalent values in parentheses shall not be considered as the requirement because those values are approximate.

Chapter 2 Referenced Publications

  • The documents or portions there of listed in this chapter are referenced within this standard and shall be considered part of the requirements of this document.
  • NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association, 1 Battery march Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471.

NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2017 edition.

NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, 2018 edition.

NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents, 2017 edition.

NFPA 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting 2018 edition.

NFPA 1983, Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services, 2017 edition.

  • Other Publications.
    • ASTM Publications. ASTM International, 100 Ban- Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

ASTM F1740, Standard Guide for Inspection of Nylon, Polyester, or Nylon/Polyester Blend, or Both Kemmantle Rope, 2012.

  • Cordage Institute Publications. Cordage Institute, 994 Old Eagle School, Wayne, PA 19087-1866.

CI 1202, Terminology for Fiber Rof)e, 2013.

  • Other Publications.

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, Merriam- Webster, Inc., Springfield, MA, 2003.

  • References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.

NFPA 1855, Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue Incidents, 2018 edition.

NFPA 1983, Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equifnnent for Emergency Services, 2017 edition.

Chapter 3 Definitions

  • The definitions contained in this chapter shall apply to the terms used in this standard. Where terms are not defined in this chapter or within another chapter, they shall be defined using their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context in which they are used. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, shall be the source for the ordinarily accepted meaning.
  • NFPA Official Definitions.

3.2.1* Approved. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdic­tion.

3.2.2* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.

3.2.3 Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organ­ization that is acceptable to the AHJ and concerned with prod­uct evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropri­ate standards or performance in a specified manner.

3.2.4* Listed. Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the AHJ and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equip­ment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose.

3.2.5 Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement.

  • Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required.
  • An NFPA Standard, the main text of which contains only mandatory provisions using the word “shall” to indicate requirements and that is in a form generally suitable for mandatory reference by another standard or code or for adoption into law. Nonmandatory provisions are not to be considered a part of the requirements of a standard and shall be located in an appendix, annex, footnote, informational note, or other means as permitted in the NFPA Manuals of Style. When used in a generic sense, such as in the phrase “standards development process” or “standards development activities,” the term “standards” includes all NFPA Standards, including Codes, Standards, Recommended Practices, and Guides.

3.3 General Definitions.

  • Anchor Point. A secure object to which rope or webbing is connected either directly or with an escape anchor device such that the rope or webbing will support the user’s weight.
  • Ascending Device. See3.14.1.
  • Attachment Point.
  • Load Bearing Attachment Point. Point on a harness or an escape belt that is used for connection to an anchor system that will provide full support and fall arrest for the designed load.
  • Positioning Attachment Point. Point on a harness or belt that is used for connection to an anchor system that will support a person’s weight for work at height.
  • Auxiliary Equipment. Equipment items that are load bearing and designed to be utilized with life safety rope and harness, such as ascending devices, carabiners, descent control devices, rope grab devices, and snap links.
  • An equipment item configured as a device that fastens around the waist only and designated as a ladder belt or an escape belt. Escape Belt. A compliant equipment item that is intended for use by the wearer only as an emergency self- rescue device.

  • An auxiliary equipment system item that is a load-bearing connector with a self-closing gate used to join other components of life safety equipment.
  • Certification Organization. An independent, third-party organization that determines product compliance with the requirements of this standard with a labeling/listing/follow-up program.
  • A designation whereby a certification organi­zation has determined that a manufacturer has demonstrated the ability to produce a product that complies with the require­ments of this standard, authorizes the manufacturer to use a label on listed products that comply with the requirements of this standard, and establishes a follow-up program conducted by the certification organization as a check on the methods the manufacturer uses to determine compliance with the require­ments of this standard.
  • Certified as meeting or exceeding all appli­cable requirements of this standard.
  • Contamination/Contaminated. The process by which life safety rope and equipment are exposed to hazardous mate- rialsand body fluids.
  • A condition exhibiting signs of deteriora­tion, including pitting or loss of metal.
  • Descent Control Device. See
  • Design Load. See
  • Ascending Device. Auxiliary equipment that is a type of rope grab; a friction or mechanical device utilized to allow ascending a fixed line.
  • Descent Control Device. An auxiliary equipment item that is a friction or mechanical device used with rope to control descent. Escape Descent Control Device. An auxiliary equip­ment system component that is a friction or mechanical device used with escape rope to control descent.

  • Rope Grab Device. An auxiliary equipment device used to grasp a life safety rope for the purpose of supporting loads; includes ascending devices.
  • Diameter (Rope). See
  • The increase in length, expressed in a percent of the original gauge length, that occurs in a sample of new rope when tested as specified herein.
  • Immediate self-rescue of a single fire or emer­gency services person from a life-threatening emergency situa­tion, generally above ground, using system components or manufactured systems designed for self-rescue.
  • Escape Belt. See
  • Escape Descent Control Device. See
  • Escape Rope. See

3.3.21* Fall Factor. A measure of fall severity calculated by dividing the distance fallen by the length of rope used to arrest the fall.

  • Follow-Up Program. The sampling, inspections, tests, or other measures conducted by the certification organization on a periodic basis to determine the continued compliance of labeled and listed products that are being produced by the manufacturer to the requirements of this standard.
  • General Use. One designation of equipment item or manufactured system designed for general-use loads, technical- use loads, and escape based on design loads and performance requirements.

3.3.24* Hand. The feel of flexibility and smoothness of a rope when tying knots or running it through equipment.

  • Nonfabric components of protective cloth­ing or equipment, including but not limited to those made of metal or plastic. See 3.3.27.
  • Life Safety Harness. An equipment item that is an arrangement of materials secured about the body and used to support a person.
  • Life Safety Rope. See
  • See* Design Load. The load for which a given piece of equipment or manufactured system was engineered for under normal static conditions.

  • Manufactured System. Preassembled system sold as a unit by the manufacturer and tested as a complete assembly.
  • The entity that directs and controls any of the following: compliant product design, compliant product manufacturing, or compliant product quality assurance; or the entity that assumes liability for the compliant product or provides the warranty for the compliant product.
  • Manufacturer’s Lot.
  • Response of a material to heat resulting in evidence of flowing or dripping.
  • The entity that provides the direct management and supervision for the emergency services personnel. [1855,20181
  • Predeployment Inspection. An inspection performed prior to making the item available for service.
  • A compact but flexible, torsionally balanced, continuous structure of fibers produced from strands that are twisted, plaited, or braided together that serves primarily to support a load or transmit a force from the point of origin to the point of application.
  • The length of a straight line through the center of the cross section of the rope.
  • Escape Rope. A single-purpose, emergency self- escape (self-rescue) rope; not classified as a life safety rope.* Life Safety Rope. Rope dedicated solely for the purpose of supporting people during rescue, fire-fighting, or other emergency operations or during training evolu­tions.

  • See 3.3.37, Rope or 3.3.48, Webbing. Throwline. A floating rope that is intended to be thrown to a person during water rescues or as a tether for rescuers entering the water.

  • Moderate Elongation Laid Life Saving Rope. Rope dedicated solely for the purpose of supporting people during rescue at fire-fighting operations or training evolu­tions.
  • Rope Grab Device. See
  • Routine Inspection. An inspection performed at least prior to using an item.
  • An element, item, component, or composite that is conditioned for subsequent testing; an amount of the material, product, or assembly to be tested that is representa­tive of the item as a whole.
  • Snap Link. An auxiliary equipment system component that is a self-closing, gated, load-bearing connector.

Chapter 5 Selection 5.1 Selection and Purchase.

5.1.1* Prior to starting the selection process for life safety rope and equipment, the organization shall evaluate and deter­mine the level at which the organization shall train and respond to meet the requirements established by the AHJ.

5.1.2 The organization shall refer to its risk and hazard assess­ment of the response area to determine the types of incidents requiring life safety rope and equipment that could be encoun­tered, including but not limited to the following:

  • * Type of technical rescue incidents likely to occur in the response area
  • Type of technical rescue incidents to which the organiza­tion plans to respond
  • Frequency of each of these types of incidents
  • Level of operational capability that the organization intends to maintain for each type of technical rescue inci­dent — awareness, operational, technician — in accord­ance with NFPA 1670
  • Maximizing response capabilities through cooperation with other response organizations, departments, or agen­cies
  • * The organization’s established acceptable safety factors for technical rescue operations
  • * Geographic location and conditions

5.1.3* The organization shall refer to its risk and hazard assessment of the response area to determine the organiza­tion’s protocols for an emergency escape from an elevated loca­tion in accordance with NFPA 1500.

5.1.4* The organization shall ensure that elements under consideration are certified as being compliant with the current edition of NFPA 1983, where applicable.

  • Based on the levels of operational capability established by the AHJ, the organization shall compile and evaluate infor­mation on the comparative advantages and disadvantages of the life safety rope and equipment under consideration.
  • The organization shall ensure that the life safety rope and equipment under consideration interface properly with other personal protective items in use within the organization.
  • Where a field evaluation of life safety rope and equip­ment is conducted, the organization shall establish criteria to ensure a systematic method of comparing products in a manner related to their intended use and assessing the products’ performance relative to the organization’s expecta­tions.
  • Where the organization develops purchase specifica­tions, the following criteria, as a minimum, shall be included:
    • Purchase specifications shall require that the life safety rope and equipment to be purchased shall be compliant with the current edition of NFPA 1983.
    • Where the organization selects criteria that exceed the minimum requirements of the current edition of NFPA 1983, such criteria shall be stipulated in the purchase specifications.
    • Purchase specifications shall require that manufacturers’ bids include substantiation of certification for each prod­uct and model stated in the bid.
    • Where applicable, the purchase specifications shall define the process for determining proper compatibility with the organization’s other NFPA 1983-compliant life safety rope and equipment components.
    • The organization shall compare each bid submittal against purchase specifications.
  • Prior to placing life safety rope and equipment in serv­ice, the organization shall designate an individual to inspect purchased life safety rope and equipment to determine that the products meet the organization’s specifications and were not damaged during shipment. The organization shall also verify the quantity and sizes of the life safety rope and equip­ment received.
  • The organization shall examine information supplied with the products, such as instructions, warranties, and techni­cal data.
  • Before placing new equipment into service, the organi­zation shall determine that all components are compatible and will function as intended with the technical rescue systems and escape systems on which the organization’s personnel are trained in accordance with NFPA 1006.
  • Procedures shall be established for returning unsatis­factory products or products that do not meet the organiza­tion’s specifications.

5.2 Life Safety Rope. The organization’s purchase specifica­tions shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.2.1 through 5.2.12.

5.2.1* Specific performance or specific features shall be selec­ted based upon the intended application of the rope being purchased. If the organization has multiple intended applica­tions for life safety rope, the purchase of multiple ropes shall be considered that best fit those applications.

5.2.2* Type of fiber, including but not limited to nylon, poly­ester, or para-aramid, shall be considered.

5.2.3* Construction, including but not limited to kernmantle, double braid, single braid, or laid, shall be considered in accordance with CI 1202, Terminology for Fiber Rope.

5.2.4* Elongation, including but not limited to low stretch or static, shall be considered.

5.2.5* The required minimum breaking strength (MBS) to provide a sufficient safety factor for the intended application(s) shall be specified to ensure adequate strength.

5.2.6* The diameter shall be considered to ensure compatibil­ity with the other components used in the system and the abil­ity to grip the rope.

5.2.7* The total weight to be carried shall be considered as it is determined by length, diameter, and material of the rope.

5.2.8* The hand shall be considered for ease of tying knots, smoothness running through gear, and abrasion resistance.

5.2.9* The rope color shall be considered for the ability to be seen or camouflaged, as well as the ability for one rope to be distinguished from another when rigged side by side.

5.2.10* The length shall be considered, including but not limited to lengths sufficient to rig the longest anticipated site with additional rope length for anchoring, mechanical advant­age systems, or other rigging needs.

5.2.11* The heat resistance shall be considered, including but not limited to melting point, critical temperature, and friction.

5.2.12* For construction that includes a sheath, the sheath shall be considered, including but not limited to the number of yarns, braid pattern, thickness, and tightness as they apply to the hand; the abrasion resistance; and the amount of sheath slippage.

5.3 Escape and Fire Escape Rope. In the purchase specifica­tions, the organization shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983 such as the following.

5.3.1* The organization shall consider the following perform­ance factors when making the evaluations. Escape rope, fire escape rope, and equipment are available as individual NFPA 1983-compliant components or NFPA 1983-compliant escape systems. It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that components, manufactured systems, and any other associated personal protective equipment (PPE) are compati­ble.

  • * Selection of fire escape rope if the anticipated environ­ment will expose the rope to elevated temperatures.
  • * Type of termination at the anchor end of the rope.
  • * Compatibility with the descent control device.
  • * Ability to control the descent with the type of gloves worn.
  • * Ability of the escape rope or escape system to absorb energy in a fall.
  • Whether the AHJ has determined that the body belay or similar method is to be used as the escape or bail-out method of the organization. If the AHJ determines that the body belay or similar method is to be used as the escape or bail-out method of the organization, it is impor­tant to recognize the wide range of user gripping abilities, user fatigue, and environmental conditions presented by using this technique. Organizations should evaluate these factors and study the effectiveness of the body belay tech­nique in their organization and the operational risk factors.

5.3.2 The organization shall consider the manner of use in the escape rope, such as the following:

  • * The structures in the organization’s response area in order to determine the appropriate length of rope
  • * The location that the escape rope will be worn or carried and its effect on user’s ability to deploy the escape rope
  • The effect of deployment hazards, such as edge abrasion and sharp edges from windows and structural compo­nents
  • * The expected number of descents and service life of the escape rope

5.4* Life Safety Harness. The organization’s purchase specifi­cations shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.4.1 through 5.4.7.

5.4.1* The organization shall select a Class II or Class III harness depending on the type of life safety operations the users will be conducting. In some cases, the organization may require both types.

5.4.2* The organization shall select the attachment point or points appropriate for the intended use of the harness based on type and location.

5.4.3* The organization shall evaluate the harness for comfort and for ease of donning.

5.4.4* The organization shall consider the use of materials in the construction if the harness will be exposed to heat, flame, chemicals, or water.

5.4.5 The organization shall evaluate which accessories to select to maximize the usefulness of the harness, including but not limited to gear loops, pockets, or methods for holding the loose ends of the webbing.

5.4.6* The organization shall evaluate the function of each type of harness selected in the manner that it will be used.

  • Where a harness is integrated with bunker gear ensem­ble, it shall not compromise the integrity of the protective garment as outlined in NFPA

5.5* Ladder Belts and Escape Belts. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for perform­ance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.5.1 through 5.5.8.

5.5.1 If the organization selects a belt for fall restraint during ladder operations, the organization shall select a ladder belt.

5.5.2* If the organization selects a belt rather than a harness for fire ground or elevated operations, the organization shall select an escape belt.

5.5.3* The organization shall select the attachment point or points appropriate for the intended use of the belt based on type and location.

5.5.4* The organization shall evaluate belts for comfort and for ease of donning in the intended manner of use.

5.5.5* The organization shall consider the use of materials in the construction if the belt will be exposed to heat, flame, and chemicals.

5.5.6* The organization shall evaluate which accessories to select to maximize the usefulness of the belt.

5.5.7* The organization shall evaluate the function of each type of belt selected in the manner that it will be used.

  • Where an escape belt is integrated with bunker gear ensemble, it shall not compromise the integrity of the protec­tive garment as outlined in NFPA

5.6* Carabiners. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.6.1 through 5.6.4.

5.6.1* The organization shall determine the needs of a general use- or a technical use-rated carabiner depending on the performance needs determined by the risk assessment and the organization’s needs, training, and capabilities.

5.6.2* The organization shall select the type of gate function that meets the operational needs of the organization.

5.6.3* The organization shall select the carabiner material that meets the operational needs of the organization regarding carabiner strength and exposure to corrosive atmospheres.

5.6.4* The organization shall select the size and shape of the carabiner that meet the operational needs of the organization.

5.7* Rope Grabs and Ascenders. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.7.1 through 5.7.4.

5.7.1* The organization shall determine its requirements for a general use- or technical use-rated rope grab depending on the performance needs determined by the risk assessment and the organization’s needs, training, and capabilities.

5.7.2* The organization shall select the type of rope gripping function that meets the operational needs of the organization.

5.7.3* The organization shall select the rope grab material that meets the operational needs of the organization regarding carabiner strength and exposure to corrosive atmospheres.

5.7.4* The organization shall select the rope grab shape that meets the operational needs of the organization regarding strength of the device and possible rope damage under high loads

  • The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.8.1 through 5.8.6.

5.8.1* The organization shall determine if the intended use of a throwline will require greater than the minimum perform­ance specification for tensile strength listed in NFPA 1983.

5.8.2* The organization shall evaluate the throwline’s capabili­ties and limitations based on the diameter as listed in NFPA 1983.

5.8.3* The organization shall determine the intended use of a throwline and its ability to float as listed in NFPA 1983.

5.8.4* The organization shall select a throwline that will handle well during the intended use.

5.8.5* The organization shall determine what length throw- line will meet the requirements of the intended use.

5.8.6* The organization shall select throwline storage that will meet the requirements of the intended use.

  • Descent Control Devices. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements for descent control devices listed in NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.9.1 through 5.9.5.

5.9.1* The organization shall determine the operational requirements of the descent control device for the following actions:

  • Nonemergency rappel or single-person descent
  • Emergency rappel or bailout
  • For lowering a rescuer, a litter, or both
  • Belay device
  • Any combination of the above

5.9.2* The organization shall determine the selection of general- or technical-use descent control devices based on anticipated loads, acceptable safety margins as established by the AHJ, and the experience level of the rescuers.

5.9.3* The organization shall evaluate the following design and performance specifications to determine the descent control device or devices that meet its requirements,

  • Manual device or auto-locking device
  • Size and weight of the device
  • Compatibility with the organization’s life safety ropes for rappel or belay
  • Compatibility with the organization’s escape rope or webbing
  • Material of construction
  • Ability to dissipate heat

5.9.4* The organization shall evaluate the following levels of personnel competency and training to determine the descent control device or devices that meet its requirements:

  • Pre-rigged or assembled on scene
  • Panic stop
  • Methods of use: rigging the life safety rope, adjusting fric­tion, locking off, knot pass, changing system direction.

5.9.5* The organization shall evaluate the function of each descent control device selected by the department in the manner in which it will be used while the evaluator is wearing the clothing and PPE for that operation.

5.10* Portable Anchors. The organization’s purchase specifi­cations shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.10.1 through 5.10.6.

5.10.1* The organization shall determine the need for a port­able anchor device based on a risk assessment, equipment needs, training, and the organization’s response capabilities.

5.10.2* The organization shall determine the selection of general- or technical-use portable anchors based on anticipated loads, acceptable safety margins as established by the AHJ, and the experience level of the rescuers.

5.10.3* The portable anchor shall be evaluated by the organi­zation for a means to package and store the device.

5.10.4* The portable anchor shall be evaluated by the organi­zation for component assembly.

5.10.5* The portable anchor shall be evaluated by the organi­zation for the adjustability to meet the anticipated types of inci­dents.

5.10.6* The organization shall evaluate the footing for the portable anchor based on the surfaces encountered during the anticipated incidents.

5.11* Pulleys. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements for pulleys in NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.11.1 through 5.11.3.

5.11.1* The organization shall determine the need for a pulleys based on a risk assessment, equipment needs, training, and response capabilities.

5.11.2* The organization shall determine the selection of general- or technical-use pulleys based on anticipated loads and acceptable safety margins as established by the AHJ as well as the experience level of the rescuers.

5.16.12* The organization shall consider the use and mainte­nance requirements of the escape system.

5.16.13* The organization shall evaluate the function of the escape system considered by the organization in the manner that it will be used while the evaluator is wearing full clothing and PPE.

  • The organization shall evaluate its needs with respect to removable components and ensure the system is compatible with these needs.
  • The organization shall consider the ability of the escape system to absorb energy and reduce the load transmit­ted to the anchor or human body during dynamic loading- events.

5.17 Escape and Fire Escape Webbing. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for perform­ance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.17.1 and 5.17.2.

5.17.1* The organization shall consider the following performance factors when making the evaluations. Escape webbing, fire escape webbing, and equipment are available as individual NFPA 1983-compliant components or as NFPA 1983-compliant escape systems. It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that components, manufactured systems, and any other associated PPE are compatible.

  • * Fire escape webbing if the anticipated environment will expose the webbing to elevated temperatures.
  • * Type of termination at the anchor end of the webbing.
  • Compatibility with the descent control device.
  • * Ability to control the descent with the type of gloves worn.
  • * Ability of the escape webbing or escape system to absorb energy in a fall.
  • * Whether the AHJ has determined that the body belay or similar method is to be used as the escape or bail-out method of the organization. If the AHJ determines that the body belay or similar method is to be used as the escape or bail-out method of the organization, it is impor­tant to recognize the wide range of user gripping abilities, user fatigue, and environmental conditions presented by using this technique. Organizations should evaluate these factors and study the effectiveness of the body belay tech­nique in their organization and the operational risk factors.

5.17.2 The organization shall consider the manner of use in the escape webbing, such as the following:

  • * Structures in the organization’s response area to deter­mine the appropriate length of webbing.
  • * The location that the escape webbing will be worn or carried and its effect on user’s ability to deploy the escape webbing
  • The effect of deployment hazards, such as edge abrasion from windows and structural components
  • * The number of descents and service life of the escape webbing

5.18* Escape Anchor Devices. The organization’s purchase specifications for an escape anchor device shall consider the organization’s needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.18.1 and 5.18.2.

5.18.1 The organization shall refer to its risk and hazard assessment of the response area to determine the types of inci­dents requiring the use of escape anchor device and take into account the following considerations:

  • * Security when the anchor device is deployed
  • * How the escape anchor will be carried by the firefighter
  • The ease of deployment of the escape anchor to deter­mine if the time to deploy is acceptable to the organiza­tion
  • * Whether the escape anchor device is compatible with the escape rope or webbing selected by the organization
  • The primary and secondary locations:
    • Distance from window
    • Time it takes to set the device
    • Ability of individuals to set the device
    • Storage location

5.18.2* The organization shall evaluate the function of each descent control device selected by the department in the manner that it will be used while the evaluator is wearing the clothing and PPE for that operation.

5.19* Victim Extrication Device. The organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum requirements of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.19.1 through 5.19.7.

  • Because NFPA 1983 specification, design, and perform­ance requirements are limited to determining minimum device strength and the security of the patient, the organization shall refer to its medical control or standards to comply with medical specifications, requirements, or performance metrics.
  • The organization shall determine the specific needs for selecting a victim extrication device by evaluating the device for multiple rescue situations, which can include, but are not limi­ted to, confined space rescues, high-/low-angle rope rescues, vehicle/machinery rescue, and rescuing a downed fire fighter or victim in a structure.

5.19.3* The organization shall determine whether a Class II or a Class III victim extrication device is needed to meet its victim extrication requirements.

  • Victim extrication devices shall be evaluated based on ease of use, construction features, ease of transportation to rescue site, and storage requirements. These devices often consist of a means to secure straps, belts and hardware around the victim. Evaluation on ease of use of these shall be performed with PPE donned and vision obscured.

  • The method of transportation of a victim with the victim extrication device shall be evaluated based on the manu­facturer’s instructions on intended use and shall be based on the following considerations:
    • Providing a secure means of attachment to a rope rescue system (if so equipped)
    • Ease of packaging and securing the victim in the device by the use of straps, buckles, or other mechanisms
    • Ease of transporting the victim in the device over various terrains, up and down stairs, and in and out of confined spaces
    • The ability of the device to prevent unnecessary move­ment to the victim
  • The components of the victim extrication device shall be evaluated for the following:
    • Durability of materials in the manner of use specified by the manufacturer
    • For components that might be exposed to corrosive envi­ronments, resistance to corrosive forces
  • The device shall be evaluated on ease of cleaning and decontamination following the manufacturer’s instructions.

5.20* Moderate Elongation Laid Life Saving Rope. The

organization’s purchase specifications shall consider its needs for performance or features in excess of the minimum require­ments of NFPA 1983, such as those given in 5.20.1 and 5.20.2.

  • Specific performance or features shall be selected based upon the intended application of the rope being purchased.
  • If the organization has multiple intended applications for moderate elongation laid life saving rope, the purchase of multiple ropes shall be considered that best fit those applica­tions:
    • * Fiber type: Nylon, polyester, para-aramid.
    • * Construction: Laid construction of continuous filament yarn twisted into three or more strands.
    • * Elongation: Moderate (10 percent to 15 percent) at 10 percent MBS.
    • * Strength: Required MBS to provide a sufficient safety factor based on current NFPA guidelines.
    • * Diameter: Compatible with other components used in the system.
    • * Weight: Total weight to be carried affected by the length, diameter, and material.
    • * Hand: Ease of tying knots, smoothness running through gear, and abrasion resistance.
    • * Color: Per the requirements of the AHJ.
    • * Length: Per the requirements of the AHJ. The actual length of certain materials can change over time due to natural shrinkage after several years in the field. Check with the ropes’ manufacturers for specific information on individual materials.

Chapter 6 Inspection

6.1 General.

  • The AHJ shall specify minimum requirements for train­ing and experience necessary for a person to be a competent equipment inspector.
  • The AHJ shall develop guidance for equipment inspec­tion, based on Chapter 6, industry best practice, manufactur­er’s instructions, and other relevant information.
  • Manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed for all inspection, care, and maintenance.
  • Universal precautions shall be observed, as appropriate, in the handling of life safety rope and equipment that was exposed to contamination during use.

6.1.5* Any life safety rope and equipment that is found to be soiled or contaminated shall be cleaned or decontaminated before any additional inspection is initiated. If decontamina­tion is not possible or warranted, contaminated life safety rope and equipment shall be retired.

  • The organization shall establish guidelines for its members to follow in determining if an element is soiled to an extent that cleaning is necessary.
  • The organization shall determine appropriate actions to be taken if life safety rope and equipment is found to be in need of cleaning, decontamination, or repair.
  • At a minimum, any necessary cleaning or decontami­nation shall be done in accordance with the requirements specified in Chapter 7.
  • At a minimum, any necessary repairs shall be made in accordance with the requirements specified in Chapters.

6.1.8* Age of equipment shall be taken into consideration as part of the inspection process.* The maximum lifetime of software shall be no more than 10 years from the date of manufacture.

6.2 Inspection Procedures.

6.2.1* Life safety rope and equipment shall be inspected peri­odically according to the organization’s policy for inspecting life safety rope and equipment.

  • Predeployment Inspection. Prior to making the item available for service, the user shall perform a predeployment inspection as follows:
    • A visual check shall be performed in a manner sufficient to ensure that all the components are present and none of them are compromised.
    • Where the equipment is assigned to an individual, the predeployment inspection shall be performed prior to a duty shift.
    • Where the equipment is not assigned to an individual, the AHJ shall determine the appropriate interval.
    • Any deficient components shall be removed from service and subjected to a thorough inspection.
  • Routine Inspection. The user shall perform a routine inspection before and after each use as follows:
    • Routine inspection shall be performed in a manner suffi­cient to ensure that the product is safe for use.
    • Routine inspection shall include, at a minimum, visual and tactile inspection for mildew, wear, damage, and other deterioration.
    • Any deficient components shall be removed from service and subjected to a thorough inspection.
  • Thorough Inspection. The organization shall deter­mine at what intervals a thorough inspection is needed as follows:
    • * Thorough inspections shall be scheduled based on use of the equipment.
    • Thorough inspections shall be performed at least once each year and shall include a more in-depth evaluation of equipment condition, including visual and tactile, and information including, but not limited to, age, date of purchase, and usage log review.
    • This inspection shall be documented.

6.2.2 Life safety rope and equipment shall be inspected by an inspector meeting the organization’s requirements for the type of inspection conducted of life safety rope and equipment.

  • Contamination
  • Any component deficiency as described in through as applicable
  • Incompatibility of subcomponents
  • Missing or improperly assembled components

Chapter 7 Cleaning and Decontamination 7.1 General.

7.1.1 Organizations shall provide a means for having life safety rope and equipment cleaned and decontaminated. Where possible, organizations shall refer to the manu­facturer’s recommendations for cleaning of life safety rope and equipment.

7.1.2* Life safety rope and equipment shall be evaluated by the user for application of appropriate cleaning level after each use.

  • Life safety rope and equipment that are known to be or suspected to be contaminated with hazardous materials shall be evaluated on the incident scene by members of the organiza­tion authorized to conduct a preliminary assessment of the extent of contamination and the need for life safety rope and equipment to be isolated, tagged, and bagged on scene.
  • Contaminated life safety rope and equipment shall be isolated during the incident personnel decontamination proc­ess and removed from service until the contaminant or suspec­ted contaminant is identified and the equipment can receive specialized cleaning as necessary to remove the specific contaminant(s).
  • Where possible and where the contaminant and its source have been identified, the organization shall consult the supplier of the contaminant and the manufacturer of the life safety rope and equipment for the appropriate decontamina­tion agent and process.
  • A member of the organization who has received train­ing in the cleaning of life safety rope and equipment shall be responsible for performing or managing decontamination of life safety rope and equipment.
  • Life safety rope and equipment that are known to be or suspected to be contaminated with body fluids shall be evalu­ated on the incident scene by members of the organization authorized to conduct a preliminary assessment of the extent of contamination and the need for the life safety rope and equipment to be isolated, tagged, and bagged at the incident scene.
  • Organizations shall have written procedures detailing the decontamination and cleaning processes for life safety rope and equipment contaminated with body fluids. Universal precautions shall be observed at all times by members handling- life safety rope and equipment known to be or suspected to be contaminated with body fluids.
  • Soiled or contaminated life safety rope and equipment shall not be brought into a home, washed in a home laundry, or washed in a public laundry unless the public laundry has a dedicated business to handle life safety rope and equipment.
  • If the organization does not have a means to decontami­nate life safety rope, webbing, or other absorbent equipment, the contaminated life safety rope and equipment shall be disposed of following the organization’s procedure for the disposal of equipment contaminated by hazardous materials or body fluids.

7.2 Cleaning.

  • The organization shall be responsible for the routine cleaning of life safety rope and equipment.
  • Organizations shall examine the manufacturer’s label and user information for instructions on cleaning and drying that the manufacturer provided with the life safety rope and equipment. In the absence of manufacturer’s instructions or manufacturer’s approval of alternative procedures for the life safety rope and equipment, the routine cleaning and drying procedures provided in this section shall be used.
  • Cleaning Process for Life Safety Rope and Webbing.
  • The organization shall determine its requirements for when rope or webbing shall be cleaned.
  • The cleaning procedure shall be as follows:
    • Remove as much debris, dirt, and mud as possible at the scene.
    • Rinse off any excess dirt with a hose.
    • Soak the rope or webbing for about 30 minutes in a plas­tic tub of water with nondetergent soap added.
    • Rinse the rope or webbing by pulling it through a rope washing device twice.
    • Hang the rope or webbing in a cool, shady place to dry.

7.2.4* Decontamination of Rope and Webbing.

  • The organization shall determine requirements pertaining to rope or webbing being taken out of service due to contamination.
  • Rope that has come into contact with blood or other body fluids shall be decontaminated using cleaners approved for removing biohazards according to the organization’s proto­cols for decontaminating PPE.
  • Cleaning Process for Equipment.
  • The organization shall determine requirements pertaining to equipment being taken out of service due to damage or contamination.
  • The equipment shall be cleaned and dried in accord­ance with manufacturer’s instructions.* If lubrication of moving parts is necessary, a dry or nonstick lubricant shall be used following washing.

  • Decontamination of Equipment.
  • The organization shall determine the requirements pertaining to equipment being taken out of service due to contamination.
  • Equipment that has come into contact with blood or other body fluids shall be decontaminated using cleaners approved for removing biohazards according to the organiza­tion’s protocols for decontaminating PPE.

general use-labeled equipment based on the anticipated loads of the incident; training/skill level of responders; and the AHJ’s established acceptable safety factors. What safety factor(s) is deemed appropriate might vary based on the acceptable level of risk, severity of consequences of a potential failure, types of technical rescues, and the corresponding level of operational capability of the organization. The AHJ should compile and evaluate information on the comparative advan­tages and disadvantages of the life safety rope and equipment under consideration. For example, an organization at the operational level performing a simple rescue might require the higher strengths offered by general-use equipment. A highly trained or specialized organization performing more complica­ted rescues might benefit from the lighter weight of technical- use equipment but, due to the level of training, can maintain an acceptable safety factor while increasing the efficiency of its operations. General-use equipment can provide greater dura­bility and possibly an advantage for incidents in which the anticipated system loads are difficult to estimate.

A.5.1.2(7) The organization’s geographic areas should include mutual aid or auto aid responses into other districts. Condi­tions include environmental factors that can make a rescue more difficult such as weather, terrain, vegetation, and distance from vehicular support.

A.5.1.3 The organization should take into account the follow­ing considerations in the risk and hazard assessment. While primarily considered an emergency means of egress from height for firefighters, escape capability is also appropriate for other emergency responders.

  • Self-risk assessment.
  • Escape situations that could occur in mutual aid and auto aid response areas. Consider type of escape situation that may occur in districts other than your own
  • The organization’s policy on staging for high rise or mid- rise structures. This will determine the length of the escape rope or webbing, whether purchased separately or as part of an escape system.
  • The level of initial and ongoing training of the organiza­tion’s personnel. This will determine the type of descent method, descent control device, and system. Different levels of training are required for the different escape devices and systems. For example, a larger-diameter escape rope is easier to grip, but it is bulkier and heavier for carrying.
  • The type of operations conducted by the organization. For example, structural firefighting with its PPE might require a different escape system than an operation that does not have the potential for elevated temperatures but may still require emergency egress.
  • The anticipated level of initial and ongoing training. This will determine the type of escape anchor device to be selected. A line around a solid object and secured by a carabiner is very secure but takes more time than other options. A hook or bar in the window allows for a rapid exit maneuver but is much less secure and requires a higher level of training.
  • The compatibility of the escape system during transport, deployment, and use with the PPE worn by the organiza­tion’s personnel. Evaluation of escape systems should be done with the evaluator wearing full PPE and SCBA or any other equipment normally carried.
  • The situational use of the escape system. For example, the evaluator might want to start the escape system deployment while on knees or hands and knees.
  • The type of structures and construction in the response area. Organizations should choose the anchor device best suited for the prevalent type of construction in their areas, such as interior anchor points, window framing of wood or brick, kinds of furniture, or exterior walkways or railings.

A.5.1.4 NFPA does not certify products. A third-party certifica­tion organization conducts the necessary evaluation and testing for certification to the applicable NFPA standard. Manufactur­ers cannot make a self-declaration that products meet the standard.

From time to time, NFPA receives complaints that certain items of fire and emergency services protective clothing or protective equipment could be carrying labels falsely identify­ing them as compliant with an NFPA standard. The require­ment for placing the certification organization’s mark on or next to the product label is to help ensure that the purchaser can readily determine compliance of the respective product through independent third-party certification.

NFPA advises those purchasing life safety rope or equipment to be aware that for life safety rope or equipment items to meet the requirements of NFPA 1983, they must be certified by an independent third-party certification organization. In addition, the item must carry the label, symbol, or other identifying mark of that certification organization.

A life safety rope or equipment item that does not bear the mark of an independent third-party certification organization is not compliant with NFPA 1983, even if the product label states that the item is compliant.

For further information about certification and product labeling, see Chapters 4 and 5 of NFPA 1983. Also, the defini­tions for certification organization, certified, labeled, and listed in Chapter 3 of this standard should be reviewed.

Third-party certification is an important means of ensuring the quality of emergency services protective clothing and equipment. To be certain that an item is properly certified, labeled, and listed, NFPA recommends that prospective purchasers require appropriate evidence of certification for the specific product and model from the manufacturer before purchasing. Prospective purchasers should also contact the certification organizations and request copies of the certifica­tion organization’s list of products certified to the appropriate NFPA standard. Such a “listing” is a requirement of third-party certification by this standard and is a service performed by the certification organization.

All NFPA standards on fire and emergency services protec­tive clothing and equipment require that the item be certified by an independent third-party certification organization, and all items of fire and emergency services protective clothing and equipment must carry the label, symbol, or other identifying mark of that certification organization.

Any item of protective clothing or protective equipment covered by an NFPA standard that does not bear the mark of an independent third-party certification organization is not compliant with the appropriate NFPA standard, even if the product label states that the item is compliant.

A.5.2.1 Typically the intended application of life safety rope is for protection of a person from fall or for actual access to or from height. While design for these applications might seem to be close, specific choices of life safety rope should be made for specific applications. Choices that the AHJ might make include, but are not limited to, material, construction, elonga­tion, strength, diameter, weight, hand, color, and length. For example, a dynamic rope that has the ability to absorb energy safely might be more important than other qualities for protecting someone at risk of falling from height, while in a rope lowering or raising operation, a less elastic rope might be a better operational efficiency choice.

A.5.2.2 Cordage yarns typically used in life safety ropes are nylon, polyester, and para-aramids.

Nylon. Nylon for ropes comes in two types, Type 6 and Type 6,6. They have similar properties, but nylon 6,6 has less elongation and a slightly higher melting temperature (258°C) than Type 6. Type 6 nylon is often chosen if more elongation is desired (see A.5.2.4) and maximum strength (see A.5.2.5) and temperature resistance are not as important. Nylon, with a specific gravity of 1.14, is resistant to weak acids, decomposed by strong mineral acids, resistant to alkalis, resistant to organic solvents, and soluble in phenols and formic acid.

Nylon life safety ropes are very durable, usually have good handling qualities, and usually have a higher elongation percentage than other fibers. Nylon also absorbs water, result­ing in increased weight and decreased strength.

Polyester. Polyester is lower in elongation than nylon, has about the same strength and temperature range as nylon 6,6, and has a specific gravity of 1.38. Polyester life safety ropes are selected if extremely low elongation is desired or the rope is expected to be used in wet conditions.

Life safety rope with a polyester sheath and nylon core has been available for several years and provides some of the advan­tages and disadvantages of each. Not as common and not around as long, nylon sheath and polyester core might have unique advantages for certain applications.

Para-aramids. Para-aramids include Kevlar®, Twaron®, and Technora®, among others. All of these fibers are much stron­ger than nylon and polyester and have very low elongation. They do not melt but decompose around 500°C. The specific gravity is over 1.39. Para-aramid ropes are selected when high temperature or flame resistance is required, often the choice for escape rope.

UHMWTE. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fibers include Spectra® and Dyneema®. The low melt point (150°C) of these yarns does not allow it to qualify for life safety rope, but its low specific gravity (0.97) and high strength make it a common choice for water rescue throwlines.

A.5.2.3 Rope construction is the method of assembling the yarn bundles into ropes. Different assembly types have various properties, making some constructions better than others for a particular application. NFPA 1983 does not specify any one particular rope construction type or material but provides performance requirements for a certified rope. Typical constructions found in emergency services are laid rope, double braid, and kernmantle

Braid. A rope or textile structure formed by a braiding proc­ess. [CI 1202, used with permission]

There are many subcategories of braids, each having its own advantages and disadvantages for use in rescue.

Braid Pattern. A description of the manner in which the strands of a braided rope are intertwined. A plain (diamond) pattern is when one strand (or multiple strand) of one direc­tion of rotation about the axis passes over one strand in the opposite direction and it in turn passes under the next strand of the opposite direction. A twill pattern is when one strand (or multiple strand) of one direction of rotation about the axis passes over two strands of the opposite direction and it in turn passes under the next two strands of the opposite direction. [CI 1202, used with permission]

The diamond braid pattern is more common in life safety rope applications, but either pattern is permitted by NFPA 1983.

Hollow Braid. A single braided rope having a hollow center consisting of multiple strands which may be braided in a plain or twill pattern. A 12-strand braid is commonly used. [CI 1202, used with permission]

Hollow braids are the simplest of all braids to make. Their low strength compared to other constructions and soft hand make them seldom used in life safety rope applications, but they are found in utility fire service applications such as ladder halyards. Hollow braids lack the protective feature of a load- bearing core protected by an outer braid.

Double Braid. A rope constructed from an inner hollow brai­ded rope (core) surrounded by another hollow braided rope (cover). Also called Braid-on-Braid, 2 in 1 Braid. [CI 1202, used with permission]

Double braids were popular with some fire rescue operations in the past. Their typical easy hand runs well in rigging gear such as pulley systems. Because the generally looser construc­tion is easier to snag and abrade on rough surfaces, the double braids are no longer a selected as a life safety rope for fire ground or remote rescue operations.

Solid Braid. A cylindrical braid in which each strand alter­nately passes under and over one or more of the other strands of the rope while all strands are rotating around the axis with the same direction of rotation. On the surface, all strands appeal’ to be parallel to the axis. [CI 1202, used with permis­sion ]

Solid braid is one of the more economical methods of manu­facturing ropes, and many utility ropes in smaller diameters can be found in this construction style. They are often seen in water rescue ropes and hardware store general-duty small ropes.

Laid. Ropes made by twisting of three or more strands together with the twist direction opposite that of the strands. [CI 1202, used with permission]

Laid ropes are probably one of the earliest tools known. First made of natural plant fibers such as grass, they are now availa­ble in modern fibers like nylon and polyester. It is important to note any wear on the outside fibers because they are all twisted together without an independent inside core, unlike kernman­tle and double braid constructions. Laid ropes are higher elon­gation than many other construction types. Elongation provides energy absorption in a fall but also makes for more work in haul and lower systems due to the same stretch. The built-in twist in laid ropes can also be a management problem for the user in fire rescue operations.

Kernmantle. A rope design consisting of two elements: an interior core (kern) and an outer sheath (mantle). The core supports the major portion of the load; and may be of parallel strands, braided strands or braided. The sheath serves primar­ily to protect the core and also supports a portion of the load. There are three types: static, low stretch and dynamic.

Typical rescue kernmantle construction is a braided sheath over a continuous parallel core. This design provides relatively low elongation due to the parallel core strands and excellent protection of the core fibers from the covering sheath. Various models are available with thicker or thinner sheaths, tighter or looser sheaths, and low or high twist parallel core strands. Addi­tionally, many different choices of materials and blends of materials are available. Most life safety ropes today are of kernmantle construction.

A.5.2.4 Elongation is the ratio of the extension of a rope, under an applied load, to the length of the rope prior to the application of the load expressed as a percentage. Rope increa­ses in length as the load on the rope increases. [CI 1202, used with permission 1

A rope’s ability to elongate is important in that elongation can be a critical part of reducing the impact forces on the user and the system in a fall. Fall factors are a means of describing the relationship of the length of a fall to the amount (length) of rope available to absorb the fall’s energy. Should a user fall from his or her position, rope anchored high above the user will provide a much lower fall factor than a rope of the same length anchored below the user.

NFPA 1983 requires manufacturers to provide users with the elongation of certified ropes at 1.35 kN (300 lbf), 2.7 kN (600 lbf), and 4.4 kN (1000 lbf). This information can provide a good comparison between one rope and another as to their elongation to load curves for typical working loads. The more a rope elongates, the more energy it will absorb in a fall. Too much elongation can cause problems such as rope bounce when lowering, excess resets in haul systems, and loss of control in mid-face loading in a pick-off rescue. Typical fire-rescue applications choose ropes classified by the Cordage Institute as either static or low stretch.

Static Rope. A rope with a maximum elongation of 6% at 10% of its minimum breaking strength.

Static life safety rope is usually selected when rope stretch will be a problem. This can occur with high lines, guiding lines, long rappels, or rope systems with a long length of rope involved. Static ropes allow a more efficient mechanical advant­age haul system because less stretch must be removed from the rope after each reset of the system.

Low Stretch Rope. A rope with an elongation greater than 6% and less than 10% at 10% of its minimum breaking strength.

Low stretch life safety rope provides a balance between not too much stretch during use and some elongation to absorb energy should a shock load occur to the system. There is always a trade-off in arresting a falling rescuer or litter — the less distance the fall, the higher the impact force but also the less chance of hitting something on the way clown.

Moderate Stretch Rope. A rope with elongation greater than 10% and less than 25% of the rope’s minimum breaking strength.

Moderate stretch rope is not classified as life safety rope according to NFPA 1983 because of the greater amount of elongation. Moderate stretch rope is classified as a special-use rope defined by NFPA 1983 as moderate elongation life saving rope. The greater elongation allows for a lower impact force, but there is more movement when the rope is loaded.

High Stretch Rope. A rope with an elongation greater than 25% at 10% of the MBS.

Dynamic Rope. A very high elongation rope compared to static and low stretch ropes. Requirements for this rope are based on the UIAA climbing rope standard for mountaineers and are typically outside the scope of NFPA 1983. Dynamic ropes are used to lower the impact load on a climber’s body, the anchors, and the equipment in a roped fall. One use in the fire service is for belaying a rescuer approaching a person who is threatening suicide byjumping from a height.

A.5.2.5 Life safety rope certified to NFPA 1983 must meet a minimum performance level for the intended use. The MBS is a statistical calculation that provides a number in which the user can have confidence that all new ropes of that design will meet or exceed that MBS. The MBS test is a best case test method, and real field applications are not likely to get the same strength.

Edges, knots, age, wear, temperature, moisture and many other factors can lower the real breaking strength of a rope in use. Some factors will change the strength, as when a knot is untied or replaced with a different knot, making the rope stronger or weaker. Others factors such as wear or chemical exposure can cause permanent loss of strength.

Simply specifying “the strongest rope available” is problem­atic because strength is directly proportional to rope diameter. As the diameter increases, so does the weight of the rope. An understanding of the organization’s system safety factor will determine what strength specification will be sufficient when force multipliers, knot efficiency, possible dynamic loading, and the other system components are considered.

A.5.2.6 For NFPA 1983, the actual diameter of a certified rope is determined according to Section 9.1 of CI 1801, Low Stretch and Static Kernmantle Life Safety Rope, and then rounding to the nearest 0.5 mm .(!4t in.)

Equipment such as pulleys, ascenders, and descent control devices often work correctly only when matched with the correct diameter rope. In some combinations, a very small difference in rope diameters will change the performance of the other devices. The organization must take care to make sure the ropes purchased match the other devices in service or expected to be purchased in the future.

Larger diameter ropes are easier to grip by hand, but they also are heavier.

A.5.2.7 The weight per unit length of a rope is one indicator of the amount of material used to produce a rope when comparing one rope construction to another. Generally speak­ing, a rope with a higher per meter weight will be stronger than a rope weighing less per meter when both are made from the same material. However, care should be taken with such an assumption because rope might also be weighted by other material.

Consideration needs to be given to the length and the diam­eter of a rope and the weight of a given rope length for deploy­ment and transportation to the site. Bigger is not necessarily better if a rope has to be carried long distances and an adequate safety factor could be provided with a smaller diame­ter rope.

A.5.2.8 The feel of flexibility and smoothness of a rope when tying knots or running it through equipment such as descent control devices and pulleys is often referred to as “hand.” While a soft hand makes knots in ropes easier to tie, they may not untie after loading as easily if the hand is too soft. Ropes with a soft hand can also overly flatten out over edges and when running through descent control devices and pulleys.

Ropes with a very stiff hand have better abrasion resistance and flatten less in devices, and loaded knots might be easier to untie. The correct choice could be between these extremes, depending on the devices being used with the rope and the environment it will be rigged in.

A.5.2.9 The most common use of color is to differentiate life safety rope while it is in service. For example, the main line would be one color and the belay line a different color — the rope that requires action can be quickly identified by the color.

Other choices for the use of color could be to designate different lengths of rope used by the organization or to indi­cate the year of purchase.

A.5.2.10 Length is a critical specification in that ropes must reach the ground (or location of the intended load) with enough length to tie into anchors, build haul systems, and allow for operational personnel at the top and bottom to be back from any hazard zone. While ropes can be knotted together to extend the length, passing a knot through a device or system is time consuming and should be avoided if suffi­ciently long ropes can be deployed. Shorter length ropes can also be carried to aid in rigging.

Organizations performing hazard assessments for their juris­diction must consider all tall objects from which a rescue might be needed, not just high-rise or multistory buildings. Bridges, dams, radio towers, tunnels, ventilation shafts, and the like are all potential sites for rope rescue. Having adequate rope lengths and numbers are key to a smooth and safe operation. Some rescues off high objects are often best run from the ground requiring more than double the height of the object to operate successfully.

Jurisdictions that have a variety of heights should consider carrying different lengths of rope. For a rescue from a lower height, a shorter rope will reduce the bulk and weight needed to be carried to the rigging area. For rescues from higher struc­tures, longer ropes allow a smoother rescue by avoiding a knot pass through a device or system.

A.5.2.11 NFPA 1983 requires the fiber of a life safety rope to have a melting point of not less than 204°C (40()oF) when tested to ASTM E794. The thermal requirement limits damage to the rope due to heat generated by the friction of the life safety rope running through a descent control device or over edges.

The performance of nylon and polyester life safety ropes will begin to degrade at temperatures below the melting point of the fibers. For that reason, use intended on the fire ground or near high temperatures require some means of protecting the rope.

A.5.2.12 There are many factors to consider in the design of a rope. The AHJ should review, inspect, and compare a rope’s interaction with the organization’s equipment in expected conditions of use. No organization should assume that, given various types of ropes, all rope-related equipment will function or react the same. Rope sheath material, core material, and their interaction with each other should be considered. Rope performance can vary when materials used in the construction of the sheath differ from those used in the core.

Sheath designs, including the braid pattern, number of yarn carriers, and the tightness of the sheath, are critical elements to consider for the interface between the rope and various items of hardware, such as descent control devices, pulleys, ascend­ers, rope grabs, and belay devices. The organization must evalu­ate the interaction of its equipment to determine favorable performance for various styles of ropes and their materials and construction features.

Also of importance is the hand and abrasion resistance of the rope. The number of carriers and the tightness of the sheaths braid can affect the hand and the abrasion resistance of the rope. These characteristics should be evaluated by the AHJ to determine the desired performance of a rope.

A.5.3.1 Escape rope is part of an assembly worn by a rescuer and used to descend from a position of height to safety at a lower level. An escape assembly might have an escape anchor device, an escape rope, and an escape descent control device connected to a belt or harness or integrated into a SCBA or the turnout jacket or pants. The assembly might be carried in a pocket or bag attached to the rescuer. The organization should evaluate through practical testing to ensure that all the compo­nents are compatible and function as intended. For selection criteria on the other components that might be a part of the escape assembly, see Sections 5.6, 5.9, and 5.18.

A.5.3.1 (1) Exposure to elevated temperatures degrades the strength of the any rope, which decreases the time that the rope is able to support the user. Larger diameter ropes provide a greater resistance to failure at elevated temperatures. Greater bulk takes longer for the effect of heat to weaken the rope, allowing more time to complete the egress. The trade-off is greater bulk and weight.

In general, fire escape rope should be used when higher temperatures are anticipated. Escape rope can be chosen when temperatures not requiring PPE for heat are anticipated.

It should be noted that no fiber is fire proof and that fire escape rope, while having a higher working temperature, is still susceptible to the high temperatures typically found in burning structures.

A.5.3.1 (2) The termination at the anchor end of the rope determines how the user will connect the rope to a structure for a secure anchor that will support the user’s weight. The end of the rope can be attached to a hook, bar, or carabiner using a knot or sewn termination. Either type of termination reduces the strength of the rope by some factor.

Manual lock designs require a physical movement to activate the locking mechanism, which can be either a sleeve that screws the gate over the nose or a sleeve that, once activated, snaps into place. A physical movement is required to move the sleeve down to unlock the carabiner. Common names for this type of carabiner lock design include screw gate and manual lock.

An automatic locking gate is designed so that when the gate closes, a spring moves the sleeve up the gate and over the nose. Two or three physical movements are required to unlock the gate. This type of carabiner is usually referred to as auto- locking.

Auto-locking carabiners might be preferred for life safety use because the user does not have to remember to activate the gate-locking mechanism. Manual-lock carabiners have the advantage of easier removal from their storage location because they do not need to be unlocked first. Before relying on the carabiner for life support, the user must verify for both types that they are locked; while the gate might close automati­cally on the auto-locking model, if webbing or clothing blocks the gate from closing, the carabiner will be unlocked and could even remain open.

Some jurisdictions and activities require the use of ANSI- rated connectors, which have additional design, strength, and rating requirements. The AHJ needs to determine if all applica­ble regulatory requirements have been addressed while conducting a safety analysis for both incident and training envi­ronments.

A.5.6.3 The most common carabiner materials are steel and aluminum. Steel carabiners generally are the strongest and heaviest, but they weigh more than comparable-sized alumi­num carabiners. Carabiners of aluminum and steel meet the general-use performance requirements of NFPA 1983. Consider which criteria must be met: strongest without consid­eration of weight or lightest while maintaining an acceptable safety margin.

In general, steel carabiners are plated or coated to resist rust and other corrosive effects. The quality of the finish and the expected atmosphere should be considered. Aluminum and stainless steel carabiners are affected less by rust but can be corroded by chemicals and atmospheres. Special or unique operations might require a specific material or additional care.

A.5.6.4 The shape and size of the carabiner are determined by the anticipated strength requirements and the size of compo­nents to which the carabiners will be attached. For example, a carabiner connecting to a ladder will need a wide gate opening and might utilize a pear shape to minimize weight. A carabiner connecting to a descent control device needs only to be large enough to fit through the device and the attachment point on a harness.

A carabiner with an asymmetrical shape shifts the load toward the spine and away from the gate, resulting in a carabi­ner that is stronger for its weight and size. As the load moves away from the spine, such as with triaxial loading, the effective strength of the carabiner is reduced. Common asymmetrical shapes are “D” and a modified “D.”

A symmetrical carabiner centers the load equally on the gate side and the spine and is less susceptible to strength loss due to triaxial loading. For the same size and weight, the symmetrical carabiner is generally not as strong as an asymmetrical carabi­ner. Common shapes are oval and pear shaped.

Larger carabiners tend to be stronger due to the larger diameter stock used. They also fit over larger diameter connec­tion points. Some models use an offset or side-swing gate to increase the gate opening for fit over large connection points. Small carabiners also can be very strong and have an advantage in being lighter, allowing more equipment to be carried.

A.5.7 A rope grab is an auxiliary system equipment item used to grasp a life safety rope for the purpose of supporting loads. Rope grabs include ascending devices.

An ascender is a type of rope grab auxiliary equipment that is a friction or mechanical device used to ascent a fixed line. Ascenders typically have a handle or other method of grabbing to allow them to be easily pushed up a rope.

A5.7.1 For evaluating whether the organization should select general-use or technical-use equipment, see A.5.1.2(6).

A5.7.2 Rope grabs have several different methods of gripping the rope.

Pressure Plates. Typical fall protection rope garbs used in industrial fall arrest have wide plates that spread the force applied to the rope grab’s attachment point to a large area of the rope compared to other rope grabs. This type of rope grab is often designed to slip on the rope at a force low enough to prevent injury to the user in a fall.

Enclosed Cams. Many technical rope rescue rope grabs have a cam that is also the direct attachment for the load on the rope grab in use. Typically, the cam is removable by a pin that acts as the fulcrum of the cam. The cam applies force by compressing the rope between the cam and the body of the rope grab. These types of rope grabs are often designed not to slip or to slip at a force high enough to allow them to be used in typical mechanical advantage rope systems. They should not be used for fall arrest.

Rope grabs used in hauling systems tend to be the heavier aluminum models that completely close around the rope. These types usually require two hands to place them on or remove them from the rope but are typically mechanically stronger frames because of the enclosed design. Even so, the true strength of a rope grab can be determined only in conjunction with the rope chosen to be used with it, since the action of the rope grab can cause failure in the rope. Some rope grabs are designed to slip at a high load to protect the rope from being cut; others will continue to dig in until the rope fails.

Handled ascenders. Rope grabs used as ascenders for personal ascending of a fixed line typically are made to be easily placed on or removed from the rope with one hand. They tend to have a single open side with a safety that prevents the ascender from coming off the rope inadvertently. The cam is often a fixed pivot point with a curved frame to guide the rope and a safety device to prevent accidental removal from the rope. These types of rope grabs (ascenders) typically are not rated as strong as other types and are usually used in pairs for ascend­ing ropes. They should not be used for fall arrest or mechani­cal advantage rescue systems due to their typically lower strength rating.

A5.7.3 The most common rope grabs are steel and alumi­num. Steel rope grabs generally are the strongest and heaviest, but they weigh more than a comparable-sized aluminum grab. Steel and stainless steel rope grabs typically are found as personal fall protection grabs for industrial use as worker protection. They can be used as self-trailing rope grabs on a second life line when ascending or descending a main life line or as a backup for ladder climbs. Industrial fall protection rope grabs carry an ANSI Z359 or similar certification.

In general, steel rope grabs are plated or coated to resist rust and other corrosive effects. The quality of the finish and the expected atmosphere should be considered. Aluminum and stainless steel rope grabs are affected less by rust but can be corroded by chemicals or atmospheres. Special operations might require a specific material or additional care.

A.5.7.4 Of all the equipment used in technical rope rescue, a rope grab’s performance is affected the most by the rope used with the rope grab. Subtle differences in rope materials, sizes, and construction can give dramatically different strength or slippage results with rope grabs. Rope grabs of aluminum and steel might meet the general-use performance requirements of NFPA 1983, but the user must ensure that the desired strength has been tested on the specific rope that will be used with the rope grab. For that reason, most rope grabs on the market meet only the technical-use performance requirements of NFPA 1983. Consider which criteria must be met: strongest without consideration of weight and slippage or lightest while maintaining an acceptable safety margin.

A.5.8.1 The MBS of approved throwlines is specified in NFPA 1983, but consideration must be given to the possibility of a multi-person load when a throwline is used in actual rescue scenarios. Throwlines are designed primarily for the safe capture of single waterborne individuals from a land-based or boat-based platform.

A.5.8.2 The acceptable diameter range of approved throw- lines is specified in NFPA 1983. End users must consider both volume (desired length) and grip (diameter and weave) char­acteristics of throwlines. Larger diameter throwlines require larger containment bags and take up increased storage space, but they offer both increased strength and better grip func­tions when wet.

A.5.8.3 The ability of throwlines to float, which is required by NFPA 1983, greatly enhances retrieval of a victim from water. Nonfloating throwlines have the disadvantage of increased weight when they become saturated during victim retrieval from a water environment. When rope submerges, it can create a snag hazard, potentially causing a hazardous situation in moving water. For a throwline to float, it must have a specific gravity of less than 1, and the fibers meeting that requirement usually are not as strong as the fibers used in life safety rope. The organization might determine that any throwline selected meets its requirements for floatability.

A.5.8.4 The handling characteristics of a throwline are impor­tant because it needs to remain flexible, wet or dry, and be supple enough to be readily repacked in its original form for immediate reuse.

A.5.8.5 The maximum length that a strong person can deploy a throwline using a throwline bag is about 24 m (80 ft). Shorter lengths depend on the width of the water courses in the juris­diction and how the throwline is transported by the user. Longer lines might be selected for deployment from bridges or by other means. Users operating in boats often select a shorter length due to the greater limits on the distance the bag can be thrown.

A.5.8.6 A water rescue throwline should be stored in a bag- that allows ease of transport and also allows the throwline to be deployed farther and with greater accuracy. The bag should have some flotation to help the end of the throwline stay on the surface and for greater visibility in the water. There also should be a means for connecting the throwline to the bag. The bag should be constructed in a manner that allows water to flow through it during deployment and provides air circula­tion. Other considerations include the ability to attach the bag- to the rescuer for transport and attachment points or pockets for a carabiner or lightstick. High visibility materials improve the visibility of the bag when deployed.

A.5.9.1 The function of a descent control device is to control the lowering of a load suspended by a life-safety rope. The descent control device adds variable friction to the rope, allow­ing one person to control the rate of descent. The operator and the device could be stationary at the top or could be moving along the rope, as in a rappel. Some designs are limited to one type of descent, while others perform well for various applications. For example, a brake bar rack is a popular rappel device for cavers and a common device for the main line for lowering a litter system. The device used for both of those applications is too large and too heavy to be carried as an escape device and would not be the best fit for the smaller rope and webbing used for with the escape device.

A.5.9.2 Anticipated loads could be as high as 4 kN (900 lbf) for a litter system with a patient and two tenders. For a single- purpose escape descent device, the anticipated maximum load would be limited to 1.33 kN (300 lbf). For evaluating whether the organization should select general-use or technical-use equipment, see A.5.1.2(6).

A.5.9.3 Many different descent control devices are available to rescuers. It is important to note the vast design and operating differences in traditional variable friction devices to devices with auto-locking and/or panic-stop features. Selection should be based on an evaluation of the interaction of the descent control device with not only the life-safety rope selected but with the entire rescue system. For example, some descent control devices do not need to be removed from the system and can be used as a progress capture pulley during conversion from a lowering system to a mechanical advantage system. The experience of the rescuers and the organization’s standard operating procedures also should be considered to ensure that a system is in place to stop a load from moving unintentionally (e.g., belay system, auto-locking descent control device). The following advantages and disadvantages should be compared when selecting a descent control device:

(1) Manual and auto-locking are the two primary functional types of descent control devices. An auto-locking device requires the operator to activate the device to allow the rope to slide through. If the operator lets go, the rope movement stops. A manual device requires the operator to maintain a grip on the rope during lowering and physi­cally tying off the device when stopped. Most manufactur­ers of auto-locking devices recommend maintaining a hand grip on the rope as a safety back-up. Manual devices tend to be simpler, have fewer moving parts subject to wear, are easier to inspect, and might be lighter in weight than auto-locking devices. Many of the current auto- locking designs are intended for rappel and might not be robust enough for litter systems.

  • A descent control device designed for escape or bailout should be small and lightweight for wear with turnouts but still be easy for the rescuer to operate when wearing PPE gloves. A descent control device for a lowering system can be more robust, and weight might be less of a factor if it is used primarily when attached to a vehicle or over the side systems.
  • Descent control devices are marked with the diameter of life safely rope for which they are designed to be used. Even with the compatible diameter, performance can vary both to the MBS and to their effectiveness. Descent control devices are tested in a manner of function, and the MBS can vary significantly, depending on the life safety rope used. The manufacturer can supply the speci­fications of the rope for which the descent control device has been tested. The amount of friction generated by the descent control device also varies, depending on the life safety rope used and should be evaluated with field trials.
  • The material of manufacture is a consideration for dura­bility. For surfaces contacting the life safety rope, gener­ally steel or titanium wears longer than aluminum, an important consideration for heavily used descent control devices. The added weight or expense might not be warranted for a seldom used descent control device, such as an escape device.
  • The ability of the descent control device to dissipate heat is important for long lowers. The simpler, manual devices such as brake bar racks and brake tubes seem to dissipate heat well. Some auto-locking devices have a manufacturer-specified maximum descent distance due to heat build-up.

A.5.9.4 The level of initial training and the frequency of ongo­ing training are factors in determining which descent control device is best suited for the organization. For example, a tech­nical team that works with a variety of rope rescue equipment and trains regularly will maintain a competency that allows a wider choice of descent control device and might have differ­ent types available.

  • Pre-rigged descent control devices are the preferred choice for escape and bailout primarily because of the requirement for immediate deployment. A pre-rigged descent control device also could be used for basic rope systems in which the response analysis shows a consistent type of rescue. For example, a truck company that responds to over-bank rescues could have the life-safety rope rigged to the descent control device and ready to attach to the anchor and the rescuer when the rope is pulled out of the rope bag.
  • Auto-locking devices use a lever to vary the friction. Push­ing or pulling the lever reduces friction and allows the rope to move through the device faster. Pushing or pull­ing more increases the rate. If the operator panics and holds the descent control device open, the load will not be stopped. Some of the auto-locking descent control devices have a panic-stop function in which a full push (or pull) slows or stops the movement. While this safety feature can be valuable, the trade-off is that the descent control device’s “sweet spot,” where the rope runs through best, can be hard to find in some designs.
  • The organization should evaluate the compatibility of its operational procedures with rigging the rope into the device; manipulating the device to adjust the friction, stop movement, and lock off the descent control device in a safe manner; passing a knot; and converting from a lowering to a raising and back.

A.5.9.5 The personnel conducting the evaluations should be in response attire and PPE that will be worn during the opera­tions in which the descent control device will be used.

For example, a descent control device for escape should be evaluated by a user wearing full turnouts with gloves and SCBA with mask and second-stage regulator in place and operated in the expected positions, such as on the knees or crawling. This simulates the physical state that users would be in when deploy­ing the escape rope and equipment, due to the heat that would be pushing them to the floor. Performance of payout, handling, and accessibility also should be considered.

Field evaluations should determine how well the operators are able to rig the rope into the device, manipulate the device to adjust the friction, stop movement and lock off the descent control device in a safe manner, perform a knot passing proce­dure, and convert from a lowering to a raising and back.

Individuals conducting field evaluations at an elevation should be protected by a safety line.

A.5.10 NFPA 1983 defines a portable anchor as a “manufac­tured device with rigid arms, legs, or both designed to support human loads.” A portable anchor device typically is a device to allow artificial multidirectional attachment points for rescuer access to confined spaces, to aid in rope rescue edge transi­tions, and to elevate a load abovegrade. The most common type is a tripod, but portable anchors include easel-leg tripods, A-frames (bipods), gin poles (monopods), davits, quad-pods, and cantilever devices.

A.5.10.1 Organizations responding to confined space rescues generally need a portable anchor. It can be one brought to the incident or, at some facilities, might already be on scene. Another situation is the use of a portable anchor as a direc­tional for work near a cliff or roadside edge that is difficult to pass (e.g., instability or an overhang). Portable anchors brought to the incident require time to set up and must be stabilized prior to use. Incorrect rigging can result in an anchor toppling.

A.5.10.2 For evaluating whether the organization should select general-use or technical-use equipment, see A.5.1.2(6).

A.5.10.3 Portable anchors can be stored in one or more bags or cases. Personnel should evaluate ease of transportation to the rescue site. Portable anchors can be bulky and heavy, so a factor to consider in selection could be how readily the device can be packaged and transported to locations for intended use.

A.5.10.4 A portable anchor can have components that are required to be assembled according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Evaluation should be conducted on the ease of assembling the components in the environment in which rescu­ers will use the device. Components should remain secure once assembled and be easy to disassemble once the operation is complete.

A.5.10.5 A portable anchor should provide the user with multiple configurations and adjustability appropriate to the application. The portable anchor should be evaluated for adjustability of legs and/or arms over both even and uneven terrain. Height adjustability also should be evaluated to ensure

NFPA 1858 Selection Care and Maintenance of Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services

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